lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

What is This?

Siguiendo la fuente de NY Times que alguien le mando a Nicole, veo este documento donde nos muestra a nuestra juventud en actos poco dignos de ser imitados pero si de ser vistos por el resto del mundo.

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SANTIAGO, Chile — It is just after 5 p.m. in what was once one of Latin America’s most sexually conservative countries, and the youth of Chile are bumping and grinding to a reggaetón beat. At the Bar Urbano disco, boys and girls ages 14 to 18 are stripping off their shirts, revealing bras, tattoos and nipple rings.

Chile, long considered to have among the most traditional social mores in South America, is crashing headlong into that reputation with its precocious teenagers. Chile’s youths are living in a period of sexual exploration that, academics and government officials say, is like nothing the country has witnessed before.

“Chile’s youth are clearly having sex earlier and testing the borderlines with their sexual conduct,” said Dr. Ramiro Molina, director of the University of Chile’s Center for Adolescent Reproductive Medicine and Development...

If you want to, you can read de article. AQUI

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

uta los pokemones .. ta lleno de esos pendejos agrandados por todos lados.. la dura k los wnes andan mas prendidos tal como dice el articulo y andan con eso del "ponceo" k se comen como a 10 en un mismo carrete .